Sunday, December 20, 2015

Nancy Drew and James Bond

When I was growing up, more than anything else, I wanted a Nancy Drew book for Christmas.  The books from my childhood that I remember most are my Nancy Drew's and my cool older brother's James Bond novels.  So, when I grew up and started writing my own books, I thought, "What would happen if Nancy met James Bond?  What would happen if she went to London on vacation, and Daniel Craig was staying in the same hotel as she was?  What if his acting award was stolen out of his room and she helped him find out who took it?"

I answer these questions in a The Stolen Mask, a humorous, PG-Rated tale written for nostalgic baby-boomers who grew up loving Nancy Drew Mysteries. The teenage sleuth in my story is Nancy Keene and when she isn't on a Jane Austen pilgrimage or visiting Buckingham Palace, she channels Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes, and Rumpole of the Bailey to help her solve the mystery of the stolen mask.

The Stolen Mask: A Nancy Keene Mystery
by Louise Hathaway
Only $1.99

Available at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Google Play,
Kobo Books, and Smashwords

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lake Wobegon

What would Nancy Drew be like if she made a pilgrimage to Lake Wobegon?  I can imagine her, map in hand, trying to figure out which towns inspired Garrison Keillor when he created his fictional town of Lake Wobegon where "all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average."  My teenage sleuth, Nancy Keene, listens to A Prairie Home Companion with her father every Saturday night.  She talks him into taking a vacation to Minnesota.  He'd like to make a pilgrimage to the home town of Bob Dylan while there, but she has other plans when a "bachelor farmer" (last seen at the Chatterbox Cafe) goes missing and they becomes part of the search team.

My husband and I went on just such a pilgrimage to discover the towns that inspired Garrison's Lake Wobegon and pictures from our trip are included in this eBook.  Only $1.99.  Available at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Kobo Books, Smashwords, and Scribd.

The Missing Bachelor Farmer: A Nancy Keene Mystery
by Louise Hathaway
Only $1.99