Sunday, April 6, 2014

Nancy Keene Mysteries

Hello dear readers,

Our publisher, Smashwords, has been encouraging its writers to take advantage of a tool called "Series Manager".  We've been a little hesitant to use this feature; mainly because of our fear that, by organizing our books in this fashion, it may turn off potential readers who don't want to "make the commitment" to buy 3 or 4 books in a series and read them in chronological order.  We've written each of our books in the "Nancy Keene Mysteries" and "Detective Santy Mysteries" as being contained unto themselves; but they do follow a chronological order.  So we're going to do a little experiment with our "Nancy Keene Mysteries" and label them Book 1, 2, and 3 and see if it results in "more discoverability" and therefore increased sales, as Smashwords predicts.  We'll let you know how it goes.  All of these titles are available at your favorite online bookstores.

Here is the Chronological Order of our Nancy Keene Mysteries:

Book 1: The Missing Bachelor Farmer (Nancy is 15)
Book 2: The Ghost in the Plantation (Nancy is 16)
Book 3: The Buried Treasure on Route 66 (Nancy is 18)